What’s up, everyone? It’s BeeWee.
Wow Classic developers announced they would be creating brand NEW Servers for WOTLK classic. In the post they specified all characters will start at level 1 and death knights cannot be created until an account has a level 55 character on that realm
At a minimum, you will not be able to transfer in or out of the servers within 90 days. This could be extended based on the health of the realms. The new server will be release in tandem with the WRATH pre-patch. This will give players about 6 weeks before the official release.
Blizzard’s goal for the new servers is to please the players looking for a chance at faction balance and being able to have an “equal playing field” at the start. They also hope to serve players that are looking to level in dungeons group quests instead of being boosted.
I personally think the idea is good in theory, but worry the reality will be different as the hype fades. The first 90 days on the new servers will much be a different type of leveling experience compared to any other existing servers. That will provide the initial hype to keep these servers populated and the economy fresh.
As that hype dissipates and the gold farmers and botters establish themselves, players that we’re trying to escape these types of issues will find themselves in the same spot as if they were playing on any other server. It’ll just take a little bit longer. Eventually, The initial hype players will stop playing and the players trying to avoid the existing classic WoW issues will be back in the same position as they were on their other servers.
There is also the potential that these new servers will be added to the graveyard of other dead servers. Players will then be forced to pay for a transfer or be forced to do a free transfer when they decide to close the server. I believe the WoW Devs are getting better at listening to player feedback and this is a great example.
I do worry that WoW Devs are not handling the root causes of their faction imbalance, botting, and economic problems. This leads me to think that the new WOTLK classic servers will eventually die out like the majority of other servers unless they actually handle the core issues of WoW classic.
What is everyone’s thought on these new servers in WOTLK WoW Classic? Leave a comment below and let me know if you think these servers will thrive or die.
Thank you all for reading and I’ll see you at the next one.