Welcome to BeeWeeTV’s WoW Classic Paladin AOE Farming Gear Guide. I will go over which paladin gear is most effective in WoW Classic in clearing dungeons fast and effectively.
My current gear set is a mix of items from BRD, MC, BWL and BOE’s from the Auction House. The gear I have is focused on plate armor with as much spell power as possible. The goal with my gear composition is to provide as much armor and spell power as possible. This will make sense once I start going through each item.
Other stats that are also important are:
- Stamina which increases your health by 10 for every point
- Strength which increases the block value of your shield by 1 for every 20 points and plus 2 Melee attack power for every point of strength added
- Intellect which increases your mana by 15 for every point and 1% spell crit for every 54 points of intellect
- Spirit and Agility are not as important as those other 3 for AOE dungeon farms.
- Here is the breakdown so you can see what they do
I will go through each item starting from the Head slot all the way to the trinkets. I will let you know what I currently use, the best enchants and what could potentially replace it.
Head – Judgement Helm:
I am currently using the Judgement Helm with a +8 Spell Power Enchant. This item drops from Onyxia and you can get the enchant from DireMaul. This headpiece provides 32 Spell power and helps you reach the 5-set piece bonus for the Judgment Set. The Judgement 5 set piece bonus provides an additional 47 spell power and is a huge boost to your overall damage and lifesteal. The other stats on the Judgment Helm include
17 strength
23 Intellect
18 stamina
And 6 spirit
I don’t plan on replacing this item and I would consider this BIS for Paladin AOE farming.
Neck – Choker:
The neck I currently use is the Coker of Enlightenment from Molten Core. This is not the best neck but provides the main stats I need for AOE farming. The stats include:
10 Intellect
9 Stamina
10 Spirit and most impoarantly,
18 Spell power
I plan on replacing this neck with Choker of the Fire Lord which drops in BWL. The Fire Lord neck provides 16 more spell power but a decrease in the other stats. I am OK with this since the 16 spell power is going to help kill mobs faster and provide more lifesteal. There are other necks that are slightly better than my current neck. I will post a variety of different necks on my website. I will provide that link below in the description.
I am currently using the Judgement spaulders with a plus 18 spell power enchant. The judgement shoulders drop in BWL and the plus 18 spell power enchant can be bought from the ZG vendor on the ZG island. The stats on the shoulders include:
13 Strength
14 Intellect
20 stamina
6 spirit
5 mana per 5 seconds
And 13 spell power.
There is also 10 fire resist but that’s not going to do much for the farms. This item is considered BIS for AOE farms.
I am currently using the Cloak of the Hakkari Worshipers from ZG with a 1% dodge enchant. This is a blue cloak and definitely needs to be replaced. However, the stats on it are ideal for my dungeon farms. This cloak provides 6 intellect
6 stamina
And 23 spell power.
You cannot go wrong with those 3 stats and is a solid place holder until I get my BIS cloak. The cloak I am going for is the Cloak of the Brood Lord. This cloak has the same stats but with larger numbers. It has
14 Intellect
10 stamina
And 28 spell power.
I am currently using the Demon Forged Breastplate with a 25 absorption enchant. This breastplate is crucial due to the lifesteal proc chance it provides. The lifesteal from this item stacks with spell power by 40% and procs a lot when you have the dungeon attacking you. Here is the breakdown of how much lifesteal you will get based on spell power. This will also be available on my website if you want to mess around with the numbers. This item is BIS for my AOE farms and I will not be replacing it.
I am currently using the judgment bindings with a +24 healing enchant. These bracers are BIS and I don’t plan on replacing them because they add to the judgment set bonus. The stats are
9 strength
9 intellect
21 stamina
8 spirit
And 7 Spell power
The one thing I may change on these is the enchant. Instead of going +24 healing, I might go +9 stamina to increase my health pool. The healing does not stack with life steal so it could be beneficial to go with stamina instead. I will probably make that change in the near future.
I am using the Judgement hands for this slot along with +30 healing. These are also BIS for this item slot because they are plate, include spell power and also have MP5.
The stats are:
6 strength
20 intellect
15 satmaina
6 spirit
6 mana per 5 secs
And 15 spell power
I cannot find any other plate armor out there with the same or better specs so these ones will not be replaced.
I am currently using the Judgement Belt for this slot. The belt includes
8 strength
20 intellect
14 saminta
6 spirit
And most importantly, 23 damage and healing
This item may be replaced by the belt of the grand crusader since it provides MP5, and more strength and stamina. There is a slight decrease with intellect and spell power but the other stats make up for it. The stats are 18 Strength
18 strength
18 Intellect
18 Stamina
21 spell power
And 7 mp5
I am okay with losting 2 points of intellect and 2 points of spell power to have 4 more stamina and 10 more strength. I will also be okay with removing one judgement piece since im currently wearing 7/8 with my current gear set.
I am currently using the judgement legplates that drop from Molten core with a +8 spell power enchat that you can get from dire maul. These leg plates are BIS and I don’t plan on replacing them since there are no other alternatives besides the avengers legplates. However, the stats on those are more focus on ret and will not help with these type of pulls.
The stats on the leg plates are
10 strength
27 intellect
26 stamina
5 spirit
4 mp5
And 20 spell power.
The boost on stamina and intellect is huge here and will definitely help when trying to pull the whole instance.
I am currently using the Judgment boots from BWL with a +7 stamina enchant. These are also bis and I don’t plan on replacing them since they have all the stats I need The stats are
13 strength
14 intellect
20 stamina
8 spirit
And 18 spell power
This is the same as all the other judgement items and will work best for the dugeon one pulls.
Ring 1 & 2
The two rings I am using are Band of Servitude from ZG and Ring of Blackrock from BWL. Both of these rings have decent spell damage and stats like 9 Intellect, 8 Stamina and 9 MP5 that will help sustain during dungeon farms. There are better rings out there that I am going after.
The two I am going after are from BWL and Naxx .
Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight provides the same stats of band of servivtude but provides 5 more spell power and 5 MP5 making it better.
The band of the inevitable from Naxx provides a 17 more spell power than Ring of Blackrock and 1% hit which you don’t really need but it doesn’t hurt. You do miss out on the MP5 but that’s okay since you gain 17 more spell power.
Trinket 1 & 2
The two trinkets I am using are Force of Will from BRD and Zandalrian Hero Charm from ZG. Force is will is BIS for these type of dungeon farms and will not be replaced. This is because it has a 1% chance to reduce all melee damage taken by 25 for 10 seconds. This is HUGE when you have the whole dungeon attacking you and the item procs. It will keep you alive and allow you to kill the mobs attacking you.
The Zandalrian Hero Charm is something you can use when you are ready to kill all the mobs.When used, it provide 204 spell damage for 20 secs but is reduced by 17 after you use a spell. This extra boost in spell damage provides a a lot more DPS with your Consecrations and will also keep you alive since your lifesteal items also benefit from it.
I may replace this item with The Restrained Essence of Sapphiron from Naxx. This is because this item provides 40 Spell power when it’s equipped and can be used to provide 130 spell power for 20 seconds.
That means you have an extra 40 spell power no matter what and it can be used to boost your spell power to 130 every 2 minutes. You cannot go wrong with that.
Weapon – Man Hand
For my main hand, I am currently using the Mageblade from MC with a +30 spell power enchant. The 40 spell power plus the +30 from the enchant provide a huge boost in damage and lifesteal potential.
However, there is a better main hand out there that drops from BWL. The one mace im going after is Lok-amir’s which drops from Nef in BWL. This mace is essentially a mage blade but with double the spell power. The stats are also nice coming in at
18 Intellect
10 stamina
And 8 spirit.
I believe this mace to be BIS and will be getting my hands on one as soon as I can.
Lastly, I use the SKullfalme Shield for my dungeon farms. The skull flame has 2 procs on it. One is an AOE damage that will hit all targets for 75-125. This does not stack with spell power.
However, there is a life steal proc that will steal 35 life from a target. This lifesteal stacks 100% with spell power and can provide a huge boost in health regen when pulling the dungeon. Here is a breakdown of how much health you could regen if the item procs. This shield is great for the one pull dungeon farms.
I may look into replacing this shield with the Force Reactive Disk since it provides a huge boost in DPS. I have not been able to test it so I’m not going to recommend it at this time but that could change. Especially when trying to do a mara one pull.
That is the gear I currently use and the items I plan on replacing. I hope this information was useful. I will have details on each item on my website under the guides section.
Thank you all for reading. I will catch you in the next one.