Table of Contents
1.1 Overview
1.2 Potential Gold
1.3 Talent Specialization
1.4 Gear Composition
1.5 Consumables
2.1 Pull Overview
2.2 Pull Breakdown
3.1 Summary
1.1 Overview
Welcome to BeeWeeTV’s Level 60 Paladin gold farming guide on Deadmines. In this guide, I will go over the Gold Potential, the necessary Talents, the ideal Gear set, Consumables needed to complete this run, the Pull Route, and an example video to show how it’s all done. Each Deadmines one-pull takes about 13 minutes to complete. The gold potential is 25 gold per run which turns into about 100+ gold per hour. Some consumables, decent raid gear, and specific talents are necessary to complete this run. A breakdown of each section is below. Feel free to skip ahead to the section you need by using the hyperlinks in the Table of Contents. Enjoy!
1.2 Potential Gold
Deadmines has the potential for a level 60 Paladin isn’t the best place to make gold unless you can get low levels to pay more for runs since it takes. Each run returns about 3 Gold from dropped items and another 20 gold from players getting power leveled. Charge about 4 gold per player per run. That ends up being 120 gold or more after running this 5 times within the 60-minute lockout timer. There is also a cost associate with this dungeon farm. That will be covered in the Consumables section. Here is the breakdown for gold potential:
1 Run | 5 Runs | |
Time | 13 Minutes | 65 Minutes |
Gold From Loot | 1 Gold | 5 Gold |
Gold From Boosted Player (x4) | 2 Gold | 40 Gold |
Cost of Consumes | 0 Gold | 0 Gold |
Total Profit | 3 Gold | 45 Gold |
1.3 Talent Specialization
The talent spec used for these dungeon farms consists of putting 13 points into holy, 21 into protection, and 17 points into Retribution. The main goal of this talent build is to cover 2 things:
- Provide enough AOE damage to kill the dungeon mobs as fast as possible.
- Provide enough protection to sustain a whole dungeon attacking you
The AOE damage within the talent spec comes from Consecration, Blessing of Sanctuary, and Improved Retribution aura. The protection comes from Divine Strength, Toughness, Shield Specialization, anticipation, blessing of sanctuary, and pursuit of justice. All of these combined allow for a clean one pull for most dungeon one pulls. Here is a picture of the talent specialization breakdown and a link to mess around with it: Talent Calculator

1.4 Gear Composition
My current gear set is a mix of items from BRD, MC, BWL and BOE’s from the Auction House. The gear I have is focused on plate armor with as much spell power as possible. The gear composition goal is to provide as much armor and spell power as possible. This will make sense once each piece of gear provided. Other stats that are also important are:
- Stamina increases health by 10 for every point
- The strength increases the block value of shield by 1 for every 20 points and plus 2 Melee attack power for every point of strength added
- Intellect increases your mana by 15 for every point and 1% spell crit for every 54 points of intellect
- Spirit and Agility are not as important as those other 3 for AOE dungeon farms.
Here is a breakdown of the gear used for this dungeon farm
1.5 Consumables
Consumables are not necessary on this one unless your gear is not up to par. Major Health and Major Rejuvenation potions will always help when you get low on health. Keep those just in case.
2.1 Pull Overview
Sneak. The goal is to get to the end of the dungeon by pulling minimal mobs. There are bosses that players will have to kill in order to start the pull the final pull. Kill that bosess,
2.2 Pull Breakdown
To start, go into the instance and run past all the dungeon mobs until the first Orge boss. Make sure not to pull any enemies so those mobs can be saved for the kill phase. After the orge boss is dead, run through the open door avoiding the mobs until you reach the 2nd goblin boss. Kill him and then proceed to to the entrance to begin the pull. Start by pulling each mob by either running into them or using rank 1 consecration.
Do the best you can to turn around or run sideways so you can block/Parry/Dodge.
Head up the stairs and start going down the overhang once the mobs in the bottom courtyard have been gathered. Go halfway down and then jump through the pillars into the grass.
Continue gathering the mobs until you hit the other side of the courtyard.
do the same hallway trick and start heading towards the waterfall.
Jump down to the bottom courtyard once the mobs get close and start healing if the health bar is not full. Head up the opposite stairs and do the hallway trick one more time. Start heading into the cathedral to pull the boss once separation has been created.
Once you pull the boss, you will want to pop your first Oil of Immolation and then Blessing of protection immediately after.Make sure to spam “Cleanse” on yourself so you don’t get slowed.
Head out of the courtyard and do the hallway trick and then head to the waterfall.
Jump down, heal if necessary and be ready to do the following:
Back against the waterfall so mobs cannot hit the backside of the paladin.
Pop the Zandalarian Hero charm and then an Oil of Immolation
Right after, use Consecration and make sure to have Judgement of light up to keep heals going. Be ready to bubble if the health bar gets too low.
Use an EZ Thro Dynamite once the Mobs head back after running at 20% health. Continue popping Oil of Immolation and Consecrate until all the mobs are dead
Head back to the cathedral to kill Whitemane after all the mobs are dead
And That’s the pull.
3.1 Summary
Overall, this pull is not easy. Be ready to bring extra consumables if the gear level is not there or are still getting used to the pull. Remember, the mobs start to attack hard during the mid-last phase of the pull due to an enrage. Pop the Health or Major Rejivantion potions if they weren’t in the beginning or kill the mobs fast.
The video provides a better visual of this 1 pull. Feel free to fast forward to the last section which is the full pull in normal speed. Also, feel free to leave a comment here, on YT or any other my socials .